Monday, December 5, 2011


Praised to The Almighty, I'm able to finish fasting today. So far I left my URGES and managed to maneuvered my way out from doing and thinking about those negative thoughts. =) 

Something funny happened during my 'sahur' time. I woke up around 5.23am exactly 10 minutes before the Subuh Azan started. Rushed out of bed, straight went to the kitchen to find food but totally non except bread. So I toasted 2 slices of bread and spread butter and sprinkle sugar on top of it. It was heavenly. The last time I had these was about 1 year ago. It was that long. 

While I was eating, the azan began. So I hurriedly munch and literally was choking. I remembered that 'sunat kita melambat-lambatkan sahur'. But I don't want to risk it, so choking is the choice. Finally had those down my throat and laid back awhile. 

I had my prayer and later slept until 12.30PM. My... my... what an attitude. Did nothing much except cleaned my brother's books that he brought back home from school, cleaning chores and that's about it. 

Had 'ikan something masak lemak' and mum made 'pengat pisang' for me!! Yey!! 

~~Ikan something masak cili padi~~
*actual pics yeah*

~~Pengat pisang with keledek~~
*actual pics yeah*

Overall hopefully tomorrow I won't wake up late and InsyaAllah will have a proper meal for sahur~~

1 comment:

Buzzy said...

ala...comelnya!!keep on writing la..teringin nk tgk ur life mcm ne =)