Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Between Work And Break In...

It is very devastating and sad to say that my house was broken into by three burglars last Monday. It happened aroung 2.50 am when my parents was sleeping. They tied up my parents and help a parang to scare my parents. During that time my siblings was fast asleep and they were not aware of the ordeal that happened. Mum n dad was sleeping on the bedroom when suddenly my mum woke up n screamed at the site of those 3 f**king id**t. Then dada woke up n then they tied them up. They took my mum's jewelery estimated to be around 7k, their cellphones, my bro's PS2 slim, cash aroung 5k. And my mom's laptop around 2k. In total about 15k was lost that night. You should see the room. Basically they ransacked the house room by room. All the clothes, accessories, books beds were all everywhere.

During the ordeal, i was in JB staying in my cousin's house as I have to the next day. I got the call from my dad around 5am and i rushed back home aroung 7.30am. When i arrived the police had already came and took the finger prints. I was and still mad at the thing that happened. They came into the house through the back door. They yank the iron grill and using a card they open the door. The best part was when they use my dad's tool to open the house and to threaten my family.

I could not imagine how i would react. But one thing definitely for sure is that i would beg them not to take my Pinky as it is my life. I just bought this laptop and would definitely don't want anything happen to this laptop. I would cry, beg and even beg to them not to take this laptop. According to my dad, the burglars was headed by 1 indian guy and 2 malay guys. The indian guy was very persistent and don't give a damn about my family and the best part he didn't even cover up his face unlike the other two. When they want to take my dad's cellphone, they even took out the simcard and give it to my parents.

Then my mom beg them not to take the other laptop as her wok is in the other laptop. So they only took 1 laptop instead of two laptop. One of the malay burglars even wipe my mum face because she was bleeding as the tied her mouth too hard. I'm not comparing but in my POV these two guys are more sympethetic and unlike the indian guy who was very f**kingly f**ker.

After they left my dad was able to free himself and then went to the police station to report at about 3.30am. Shortly a patrol car came and they told my parents that they received a report that a red car was speeding in my housing area heading to JB. Maybe it was them.

I found it very hard that this would happen to my family. Sometimes you think that this things would not happen to your family but it did. Security measures should be taken by people to make sure that their home is safe. But i'm glad that my family is safe. It is really devastating to know this happen to my family. Lastly i wish that those people will be caught.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

to my beloved UNKNOWN INDIAN BOY,

update la blog ko ni...

aku nak baca..