Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Cold fact is...

Sedih melihat kawan2 yg dh lame baru hari nie nk meletop. Gaduh secara public a.k.a Cyberspace whereby sume org bley bace n tngk @ printscreen. It happen over a matter whereby sume org x nak kalah and x geti respek each other. Honestly mmg betul peribahasa kerna mulut badan binasa. I x nk luah kat fb or tweeter. 

I just nk gtau sume kawan2 even I know my reader can be counted by my right hand, kesabaran dan hormat menghormati penting antara satu sama lain. 

Dulu masa kawan aku kene boikot sebab sume x suke ngn die kerana time tuh kami semua x dpt allowance. Time allowance dh masuk tetibe isunye senyap. Maybe it's the same reason for this case. 

Sume org panas hati coz posting x masuk, but still, pegangan diri tuh kene kuat. Kite posting lambat. Ada org kat luar yg dh bertahun x dpt kerja tetap coz x jumpe kerja yg bersesuaian dengan kelulusan mereka. korang mesti ada yg cakap, diorng memilih but still the fact remains the same, we akan dapat kerja rather than x de kerj alangsung. 

Aku sangat2 bersyukur walaupun posting lambat, kite tetap dijanjikan penempatan. It's just a matter of lambat or cepat. Have faith, be tolerant and most importantly respect each other. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Shooting Star...

Yesterday night, Me, Fahmi and Shah, went to have our usual meeting sessions. But somehow tonight I felt that it would b very special and different. The sky was vast with millions of stars shining down on us. I felt as it’s going to be a good night. We were picnicking along the lake. It was around 11 when we got there. It was really dark except for the occasional street lamp post.

I brought along the ‘tikar’, bread, and water plus something that I have been saving for quite some time, ‘Hershey’s  Miniatures”. Actually I bought it a while ago at Bukit Kayu Hitam Duty Free Zone when I was there looking for our dance costume. Fahmi brought his insanely “Mandarins” and shah bought “Butterscotch” and soya drink. It’s sort of like a pot luck thing that we did together.

After scouting for the ideal place, we managed to find the spot near the lake. I lay out the ‘tikar’ and we had our usual talk together. We were talking while eating and then talking and munching again. Strangely enough I didn’t eat that much. I was more into looking at the stars above us. Just laying there and watching the vast sky really gave me the tranquillity that I really need yesterday. As we all lay there and looking at the stars, I was putting my legs up in the air and the suddenly me and Shah saw a shooting star. It happened in a split second and it was magical.

Shah shouted and asked me to make a wish. And so I closed my eyes and make a wish. “Please God, Let A choose me. I hope that I still have my ‘jodoh’ with A and hope we will be together despite what happen. I really need A in my life. And whatever it is, I will always be there for A..”
Then I felt a sense of calmness and slowly, the anguish and anger went away. Truthfully I really need A in my life. I really love A very much. I know A is The One for me. I never felt like this to anyone before and A is The One.

After the meeting, we kind of dozed off there. It was uncomfortable but strangely it was fun like always. I was sandwiched between Fahmi and Shah. It was really funny. We went back around 1.30a.m. It was really cool and hopefully my wish will come true. Amin..

*This is a piece that I wrote earlier during my varsity years in UUM. It's totally shocking and wonderful to read back what you have written before. Are you still the same person as you were when you wrote those stuff? Did anything change? Did you dare to take the leap that you were afraid to do so? Did your ambitions dreams come true? So much questions to answer. Reflecting back to the past is good. It helps you to grow, not making the same mistakes all over again, reinventing yourself to become a better servant to Him. Hopefully I change for the better. Aminn =)*

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

6th December 2011 / 10th Muharram 1433H

Well, finally, I finished my 2 days fasting marathon. Alhamdulillah. but today the was fasting was abit slow and it's not the fasting but myself. You see, after sahur, I slept like I haven't slept in a very long time. woke up around 12.30 pm and suddenly I feel very slow. You see, I have the tendency to start my day in a horrible foot if I : 

a) woke up late
b) someone woke me up in the wrong way

So it's safe to say that option b) was not taken. So it's option a). After realizing that I woke up way too late, I began to attack. It's like 3 in 1 combination. Usually it's either coffee or some instant drinks, but in my case, It's

i ) waking up late + ii ) laziness + iii ) no motivation


I finally muster the courage *being dramatic here* to get out of bed and take a shower because my dearest cuzzy asked me to help her pick up a birthday present for our niece which accidentally on the 4th of December which I totally forgot!! 

~~ My niece LOVES high heels~~

So, I went to the tailor to get the present. Actually the present was dresses that I designed for her. The tailor helped me to sew the dresses for her. If it were me, GOD knows those dresses might not be finish until my niece turns 14. *dramatic again* Btw my nice is 4 years old.

Accidentally, Pn. M called me. She told me the path and pavement, routes, roads that I should consider for me to explore for my future undertakings. *future undertakings who says that! unless you are a gift card in Borders which accidentally went bankrupt and end up as one on Yahoo! Top 10 stories 2011. Rambling again* 

She told me in order for me to advance in my future undertakings =_=" I need to pursue a masters degree. In short she was promoting UiTM to me. I mean doing my masters with UiTM sounds a very big deal for me. Honestly, I do want that. I want to be able to obtain my masters degree. She asked me point blank, "Do you want to further your studies?" Of course I say yes. 

In that case, you need to 


*I'll tell what the plan for my future undertakings in the next post. if not I'll have writers block. as if you are a legitimate writer*

Got the dresses and it was 7 dresses with multiple designs and colours. It was colourful and very princess like. Btw 7 dresses cost about RM 230 which is kinda a good bargain. the fabric was our, so we only have to pay for the labour fees.

I broke my fast eating the same menu I had the day before. Maybe it's because my mum was not well. So I didn't paster her to cook anything else. I had my meal and went to Johor to deliver the present. It's more likely a hit and run affair. It's just I don't feel like staying in Johor for a long time. You know sometimes you need your space. But I'm glad to meet Mr. AT and Mrs. TH. *btw they are my cousins*

~~Mr. AT n Mrs TH through my 4 eyes~~

Went back home and GOD I just realize that I have not renew my licensed which died 1st December and there were road block!! Keep calm, keep cool. If they ask you to pull over cry, invent a sad story, or just tell them you lost your licensed. WTF!!! Those reasons are gonna make you end up in JAIL!! 

~~ cute huh ~~

So I drove like a freaking idot and the best part, the policeman just waved his hands and I'm off!! 

I'm saved!!! Alhamdulillah!! 

No need to lie, no need to invent stupid sad pathetic stories such as I went to KL and I left my license in the parliament after had a briefing by the parliament officials that the PERLEMBAGAAN BOLEH BERUBAH story. *Wanna play dirty BITCH?? Haha*

Arrived home and had a good night sleep~~ Alhamdulillah.. BTW gonna update on some of my favourite television programmes that I'm currently watching =) 

Salam =)

Monday, December 5, 2011


Praised to The Almighty, I'm able to finish fasting today. So far I left my URGES and managed to maneuvered my way out from doing and thinking about those negative thoughts. =) 

Something funny happened during my 'sahur' time. I woke up around 5.23am exactly 10 minutes before the Subuh Azan started. Rushed out of bed, straight went to the kitchen to find food but totally non except bread. So I toasted 2 slices of bread and spread butter and sprinkle sugar on top of it. It was heavenly. The last time I had these was about 1 year ago. It was that long. 

While I was eating, the azan began. So I hurriedly munch and literally was choking. I remembered that 'sunat kita melambat-lambatkan sahur'. But I don't want to risk it, so choking is the choice. Finally had those down my throat and laid back awhile. 

I had my prayer and later slept until 12.30PM. My... my... what an attitude. Did nothing much except cleaned my brother's books that he brought back home from school, cleaning chores and that's about it. 

Had 'ikan something masak lemak' and mum made 'pengat pisang' for me!! Yey!! 

~~Ikan something masak cili padi~~
*actual pics yeah*

~~Pengat pisang with keledek~~
*actual pics yeah*

Overall hopefully tomorrow I won't wake up late and InsyaAllah will have a proper meal for sahur~~

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Puasa 9 dan 10 Muharram~~

Yesterday, when I was actually sms-ing MZ, he told me something about fasting on the 9th and 10th of Muharram. I asked him why we should fast during the two days? Well he told me that it is the Tasyu'a Day and 'Asyura Day. I know about 'Asyura day but Tasyu'a Day is what I'm not familiar about. So as per-yuj *Barney Stinson HIMYM* I went on and Google it. Below are some of the notes and explanation about what it is all about.

Credit to www.shakirshafiee.com

Do check the site. It's very informative =)


Hukum Puasa Tasyu’a dan Puasa hari ‘Asyura

Hukum puasa tasyu’a dan puasa asyura adalah sunnah muakkad, yaitu sunnah yang sangat dianjurkan.

Hadith tentang puasa hari ‘Asyura (10 Muharram)

Ibn ‘Abbas meriwayatkan yang bermaksud: “Apabila Nabi SAW datang ke Madinah, Baginda melihat orang-orang Yahudi berpuasa pada hari ‘Asyura, lalu Baginda bertanya: “Apakah ini?”. Mereka menjawab: “Hari ini adalah hari yang baik di mana Allah telah menyelamatkan padanya Nabi Musa dan Bani Israil daripada musuh mereka, maka Musa pun berpuasa”. Lalu Baginda SAW bersabda: “Aku lebih berhak dengan Musa daripada kamu,” maka Baginda pun berpuasa dan menyuruh orang ramai supaya berpuasa”. (Riwayat al-Bukhari) – Sumber

Fadhilat Puasa Hari ‘Asyura
Sesungguhnya kelebihan yang dijanjikan oleh Rasulullah SAW bagi sesiapa yang mengamalkan puasa sunat ini amatlah besar. Antaranya ialah apa yang diriwayatkan oleh Qatadah (maksudnya): “Bahawasanya Rasulullah SAW ditanya tentang puasa hari ‘Asyura, lalu Baginda SAW menjawab: “Ia menghapuskan dosa setahun yang lalu”. (Hadis sahih riwayat Imam al-Tirmizi).

Dalam riwayat yang lain pula disebutkan bagaimana Rasulullah SAW begitu mengambil berat dan memberi keutamaan kepada amalan puasa pada hari ‘Asyura ini. Hal ini sebagaimana yang disebut oleh Ibn Abbas bahawa beliau pernah ditanya tentang puasa pada hari ‘Asyura ini, lalu beliau berkata: “Aku tidak pernah ketahui bahawa Rasulullah SAW berpuasa sehari kerana mencari kelebihannya di atas hari-hari yang lain kecuali pada hari ini, dan Baginda tidak berpuasa sebulan kerana mencari kelebihan ke atas bulan-bulan yang lain kecuali bulan ini, iaitu: Ramadhan”. (Riwayat Imam Muslim)

Puasa hari Tasu’a (hari ke-9 Muharram)
Selain daripada berpuasa pada hari ‘Asyura ini, kita juga digalakkan untuk berpuasa pada hari sebelumnya iaitu hari ke-9 Muharram. Ini berdasarkan beberapa hadis sahih, antaranya ialah:

Daripada Ibn Abbas r.a berkata (maksudnya): “Ketika Rasulullah SAW berpuasa pada hari ‘Asyura, Baginda turut mengarahkan orang ramai supaya turut berpuasa. Lalu mereka berkata: Wahai Rasulullah! Sesungguhnya hari ini adalah hari yang dibesarkan oleh kaum Yahudi dan Nasrani. Lalu Rasulullah SAW bersabda lagi: “Sekiranya di tahun depan, jika diizinkan Allah, kita akan berpuasa pada hari ke-9″. Ibn Abbas berkata: Tidak sempat munculnya tahun hadapan, Rasulullah SAW wafat terlebih dahulu.” (Riwayat Imam Muslim)

Justeru, marilah kita merebut peluang pada kesempatan bulan yang mulia ini untuk menambahkan amalan kita dengan berpuasa sunat.


Here is another one from http://imayu05.blogspot.com

Keutamaan puasa 9 dan 10 Muharram
Oleh: Asy Syaikh Muhammad bin Shalih Al Utsaimin

[Di dalam kitab beliau Riyadhus Shalihin, Al-Imam An-Nawawi -rahimahullah- membawakan tiga buah hadits yang berkenaan dengan puasa sunnah pada bulan Muharram, yaitu puasa hari Asyura / Asyuro (10 Muharram) dan Tasu’a (9 Muharram)]

1) Hadis yang Pertama

عن ابن عباس رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنهُ أن رَسُول اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيهِ وَسَلَّم صام يوم عاشوراء وأمر بصيامه. مُتَّفّقٌ عَلَيهِ

Dari Ibnu Abbas -radhiyallahu ‘anhuma-, “Bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam berpuasa pada hari ‘Asyura dan memerintahkan untuk berpuasa padanya”. (Muttafaqun ‘Alaihi).

2) Hadis yang Kedua

عن أبي قتادة رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنهُ أن رَسُول اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيهِ وَسَلَّم سئل عن صيام يوم عاشوراء فقال: ((يكفر السنة الماضية)) رَوَاهُ مُسلِمٌ.

Dari Abu Qatadah -radhiyallahu ‘anhu-, bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam ditanya tentang puasa hari ‘Asyura. Beliau menjawab, “(Puasa tersebut) Menghapuskan dosa satu tahun yang lalu”. (HR. Muslim)

3) Hadis yang Ketiga

وعن ابن عباس رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنهُما قال، قال رَسُول اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيهِ وَسَلَّم: ((لئن بقيت إلى قابل لأصومن التاسع)) رَوَاهُ مُسلِمٌ.

Dari Ibnu Abbas -radhiyallahu ‘anhuma- beliau berkata: “Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam bersabda, “Apabila (usia)ku sampai tahun depan, maka aku akan berpuasa pada (hari) kesembilan” (HR. Muslim)

“Rasulullah SAW ditanya tentang puasa pada hari ‘Asyura, beliau menjawab, ‘Menghapuskan dosa setahun yang lalu’, ini pahalanya lebih sedikit daripada puasa Arafah (yakni menghapuskan dosa setahun sebelum serta sesudahnya –pent).

Bersamaan dengan hal tersebut, selayaknya seorang berpuasa ‘Asyura (10 Muharram) disertai dengan (sebelumnya, ed.) Tasu’a (9 Muharram). Hal ini karena Nabi SAW bersabda, ‘Apabila (usia)ku sampai tahun depan, maka aku akan berpuasa pada yang kesembilan’, maksudnya berpuasa pula pada hari Tasu’a.

Rasulullah SAW memerintahkan untuk berpuasa pada hari sebelum maupun setelah ‘Asyura [1] dalam rangka menyelisihi orang-orang Yahudi karena hari ‘Asyura –yaitu 10 Muharram- adalah hari di mana Allah selamatkan Musa dan kaumnya, dan menenggelamkan Fir’aun dan para pengikutnya. Dahulu orang-orang Yahudi berpuasa pada hari tersebut sebagai syukur mereka kepada Allah atas nikmat yang agung tersebut. Allah telah memenangkan tentara-tentaranya dan mengalahkan tentara-tentara syaithan, menyelamatkan Musa dan kaumnya serta membinasakan Fir’aun dan para pengikutnya. Ini merupakan nikmat yang besar.

Oleh kerana itu, setelah Nabi SAW tinggal di Madinah, beliau melihat bahawa orang-orang Yahudi berpuasa pada hari ‘Asyura [2]. Beliau pun bertanya kepada mereka tentang hal tersebut. Maka orang-orang Yahudi tersebut menjawab, “Hari ini adalah hari di mana Allah telah menyelamatkan Musa dan kaumnya, serta celakanya Fir’aun serta pengikutnya. Maka dari itu kami berpuasa sebagai rasa syukur kepada Allah”. Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam berkata, “Kami lebih berhak terhadap Musa daripada kalian”.

Kenapa Rasulullah mengucapkan hal tersebut? Karena Nabi dan orang–orang yang bersama beliau adalah orang-orang yang lebih berhak terhadap para nabi yang terdahulu. Allah berfirman,

إِنَّ أَوْلَى النَّاسِ بِإِبْرَاهِيمَ لَلَّذِينَ اتَّبَعُوهُ وَهَذَا النَّبِيُّ وَالَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا وَاللَّهُ وَلِيُّ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ

“Sesungguhnya orang yang paling berhak dengan Ibrahim adalah orang-orang yang mengikutinya dan nabi ini (Muhammad), serta orang-orang yang beriman, dan Allah-lah pelindung semua orang-orang yang beriman”. (Ali Imran: 68)

Maka Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam adalah orang yang paling berhak terhadap Nabi Musa daripada orang-orang Yahudi tersebut, dikarenakan mereka kafir terhadap Nabi Musa, Nabi Isa dan Muhammad. Maka beliau shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam berpuasa ‘Asyura dan memerintahkan manusia untuk berpuasa pula pada hari tersebut. Beliau juga memerintahkan untuk menyelisihi Yahudi yang hanya berpuasa pada hari ‘Asyura, dengan berpuasa pada hari kesembilan atau hari kesebelas beriringan dengan puasa pada hari kesepuluh (’Asyura), atau ketiga-tiganya. [3]

Oleh kerana itu sebagian ulama seperti Ibnul Qayyim dan yang selain beliau menyebutkan bahwa puasa ‘Asyura terbagi menjadi tiga keadaan:

1. Berpuasa pada hari ‘Asyura dan Tasu’ah (9 Muharram), ini yang paling afdhal.

2. Berpuasa pada hari ‘Asyura dan tanggal 11 Muharram, ini kurang pahalanya daripada yang pertama. [4]

3. Berpuasa pada hari ‘Asyura saja, sebagian ulama memakruhkannya kerana Nabi SAW memerintahkan untuk menyelisihi Yahudi, namun sebahagian ulama yang lain memberi keringanan (tidak menganggapnya makhruh). [5]

Wallahu a’lam bish shawab.

(Sumber: Syarh Riyadhis Shalihin karya Asy-Syaikh Muhammad bin Shalih Al-Utsaimin terbitan Darus Salam – Mesir, diterjemahkan Abu Umar Urwah Al-Bankawy, muraja’ah dan catatan kaki: Al-Ustadz Abu Abdillah Muhammad Rifai)


[1] Adapun hadits yang menyebutkan perintah untuk berpuasa setelahnya (11 Asyura’) adalah dha’if (lemah). Hadits tersebut berbunyi:

صوموا يوم عاشوراء و خالفوا فيه اليهود صوموا قبله يوما و بعده يوما . -

“Puasalah kalian hari ‘Asyura dan selisihilah orang-orang yahudi padanya (maka) puasalah sehari sebelumnya dan sehari setelahnya. (HR. Ahmad dan Al Baihaqy. Didhaifkan oleh As Syaikh Al-Albany di Dha’iful Jami’ hadits no. 3506)

Dan berkata As Syaikh Al Albany – Rahimahullah- di Silsilah Ad Dha’ifah Wal Maudhu’ah IX/288 No. Hadits 4297: Penyebutan sehari setelahnya (hari ke sebelas. pent) adalah mungkar, menyelisihi hadits Ibnu Abbas yang shahih dengan lafadz:

“لئن بقيت إلى قابل لأصومن التاسع” .

“Jika aku hidup sampai tahun depan tentu aku akan puasa hari kesembilan”

Lihat juga kitab Zaadul Ma’ad 2/66 cet. Muassasah Ar-Risalah Th. 1423 H. dengan tahqiq Syu’aib Al Arnauth dan Abdul Qadir Al Arna’uth.

لئن بقيت لآمرن بصيام يوم قبله أو يوم بعده . يوم عاشوراء) .-

“Kalau aku masih hidup niscaya aku perintahkan puasa sehari sebelumnya (hari Asyura) atau sehari sesudahnya” ((HR. Al Baihaqy, Berkata Al Albany di As-Silsilah Ad-Dha’ifah Wal Maudhu’ah IX/288 No. Hadits 4297: Ini adalah hadits mungkar dengan lafadz lengkap tersebut.))

[2] Padanya terdapat dalil yang menunjukkan bahwa penetapan waktu pada umat terdahulu pun menggunakan bulan-bulan qamariyyah (Muharram s/d Dzulhijjah, Pent.) bukan dengan bulan-bulan ala Eropa (Jan s/d Des). Karena Rasulullah shalallahu ‘alaihi wasallam mengabarkan bahwa hari ke sepuluh dari Muharram adalah hari di mana Allah membinasakan Fir’aun dan pengikutnya dan menyelamatkan Musa dan pengikutnya. (Syarhul Mumthi’ VI.)

[3] Untuk puasa di hari kesebelas haditsnya adalah dha’if (lihat no. 1) maka – Wallaahu a’lam – cukup puasa hari ke 9 bersama hari ke 10 (ini yang afdhal) atau ke 10 saja.

Asy-Syaikh Salim Bin Ied Al Hilaly mengatakan bahwa, “Sebagian ahlu ilmu berpendapat bahwa menyelisihi orang Yahudi terjadi dengan puasa sebelumnya atau sesudahnya. Mereka berdalil dengan hadits yang diriwayatkan dari Rasulullah Shalallahu’alaihi Wasallam,

صوموا يوم عاشوراء و خالفوا فيه اليهود صوموا قبله يوما أو بعده يوما .

“Puasalah kalian hari ‘Asyura dan selisihilah orang-orang Yahudi padanya (maka) puasalah sehari sebelumnya atau sehari setelahnya”.

Ini adalah pendapat yang lemah, karena bersandar dengan hadits yang lemah tersebut yang pada sanadnya terdapat Ibnu Abi Laila dan ia adalah jelek hafalannya.” (Bahjatun Nadhirin Syarah Riyadhus Shalihin II/385. cet. IV. Th. 1423 H Dar Ibnu Jauzi)

[4] (lihat no. 3)

[5] Asy-Syaikh Muhammad Bin Shalih Al-Utsaimin rahimahullah mengatakan,

والراجح أنه لا يكره إفراد عاشوراء.

Dan yang rajih adalah bahwa tidak dimakruhkan berpuasa ‘Asyura saja. (Syarhul Mumthi’ VI)

Wallaahu a’lam.

8th Muharram 1433H.

It's the 8th day of the new year 1433H in Islamic calendar. I personally feel more relax, quiet, in tune, and there's a sense of one. I don't know what cause this, maybe it's in a way God's way of answering my prayers all this time. Keep me in line, keep me from straying, keep on the right path. God knows I really need to be look after. I'm personally afraid that I might go astray. I know myself very well. I prayed that I won't fall of the wagon because I can't afford to fall off the wagon again.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Someone told me that there are 3 things that will help you in life and what you should keep holding on to :

1) Your religion

2) Your family

3) Yourself

It was the best advice I had so far. It helped me to be on track and not going off track in life. I appreciate it alot and InsyaAllah I will keep holding on.