Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Of Examination, Tips, Clinging, Discoveries and Australia.. (Post 1)

Well L&G, Welcome back again.

This time I'm doing my updating again. Thanks Shah for the pushing factors. Haha.

I have a couple of drafts in my folder but the problems is that I'm just plain lazy to finish it. now I have the 'keazaman' to finish it because I'm in my home, in my room and happily being fed by my mother. hahaha

So let me update my whole life from examination week until today in a few segments.

(21st april 2009, the exam week)

Well like what shah mention in his blog alifetimesaga@blogspot.com (promosi lagi...) exam is the time whereby people start to let their inner most competitiveness surface and sometimes it is ugly. I've seen it and experience firsthand, like hands-on activity huh? Duh... But despite the ugliness, I manage to find the actual beauty of examination. I know some people might not agree with me but heck there are some beauty in examination.

1st - I discover that who are my real friends not just in happy time but in my most stress time.

2nd - I discover the joy in group discussion and also the relevant of talking the subject out loud.

3rd - I enjoy the company of my friends and the food that was served by my friends during

the discussion time especially Joe's Chips and Farid's 100Plus. It was really exhilarating and


4th - I have fun. That's the most important part of having friends to study together and I manage

to recall what we had studied during the discussion time and Alhamdulillah I manage to

answer the exam questions..

This time the exam was not as stressful as before as I have my friends with me to study and discuss together. We face the exam bravely together and we manage to get it through even with lots of scratches and bruises but we survive. Hell Yeah!!!

Thanks to all of those people who helped me during the exam times and those who contributed for the notes, tips, being the teacher explaining and even sharing. Thanks a lot guys. I really appreciate it.


Unknown said...

zul.. thanks for the promotion.
since you start updating ur blog.
it'll be in my bloglist soon.
for the time being...
take care and enjoy AUSTRALIA!!!

Unknown said...

bro... update pliz...

Unknown said...

bile ko nak update ni?