Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hello yet again.......

This is my post for the don't-know-time.....

Just want to update the latest news about my life...

- My Grand Dinner is in limbo.... i don't know the status and quite blur....
- My Logistic status is in blur.... i have not book the place and the equipment to use.
- My Assignment is in total chaos.... i have not update my assignment and really have
a hard time to grasp the assignment.

:) wish me luck doing the assignment....


Max J. Potter said...

hello. personally i think you write good. will come again to read. =) keep writing!

Firol said...

Hoo..buat bro...jangan tangguh2..hhe slmt blajar

n4dh!3r4 said...


n4dh!3r4 said...

sila amek award ni blog sy ye :)

Unknown said...

dah ada perkembangan blog ko nih..
rajin2 la blog.
nanti leh dapat banyak follower..

LeEmoNiss said...

im also got lot of assngmnt to finish..
help me..
it drive me crazy..
raser cam nak telan laptop nhe jer..
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