Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Cold fact is...

Sedih melihat kawan2 yg dh lame baru hari nie nk meletop. Gaduh secara public a.k.a Cyberspace whereby sume org bley bace n tngk @ printscreen. It happen over a matter whereby sume org x nak kalah and x geti respek each other. Honestly mmg betul peribahasa kerna mulut badan binasa. I x nk luah kat fb or tweeter. 

I just nk gtau sume kawan2 even I know my reader can be counted by my right hand, kesabaran dan hormat menghormati penting antara satu sama lain. 

Dulu masa kawan aku kene boikot sebab sume x suke ngn die kerana time tuh kami semua x dpt allowance. Time allowance dh masuk tetibe isunye senyap. Maybe it's the same reason for this case. 

Sume org panas hati coz posting x masuk, but still, pegangan diri tuh kene kuat. Kite posting lambat. Ada org kat luar yg dh bertahun x dpt kerja tetap coz x jumpe kerja yg bersesuaian dengan kelulusan mereka. korang mesti ada yg cakap, diorng memilih but still the fact remains the same, we akan dapat kerja rather than x de kerj alangsung. 

Aku sangat2 bersyukur walaupun posting lambat, kite tetap dijanjikan penempatan. It's just a matter of lambat or cepat. Have faith, be tolerant and most importantly respect each other. 

1 comment:

-pRincEsS iN dIstReSs- said...

semua org mmg akan salahkan saya. saya tau. sbb tu sy xnk menagih simpati. sy reti respect, tp ada had/limit. sy ni manusia, bukan angel.