Well, finally, I finished my 2 days fasting marathon. Alhamdulillah. but today the was fasting was abit slow and it's not the fasting but myself. You see, after sahur, I slept like I haven't slept in a very long time. woke up around 12.30 pm and suddenly I feel very slow. You see, I have the tendency to start my day in a horrible foot if I :
a) woke up late
b) someone woke me up in the wrong way
So it's safe to say that option b) was not taken. So it's option a). After realizing that I woke up way too late, I began to attack. It's like 3 in 1 combination. Usually it's either coffee or some instant drinks, but in my case, It's
i ) waking up late + ii ) laziness + iii ) no motivation
I finally muster the courage *being dramatic here* to get out of bed and take a shower because my dearest cuzzy asked me to help her pick up a birthday present for our niece which accidentally on the 4th of December which I totally forgot!!
~~ My niece LOVES high heels~~
So, I went to the tailor to get the present. Actually the present was dresses that I designed for her. The tailor helped me to sew the dresses for her. If it were me, GOD knows those dresses might not be finish until my niece turns 14. *dramatic again* Btw my nice is 4 years old.
Accidentally, Pn. M called me. She told me the path and pavement, routes, roads that I should consider for me to explore for my future undertakings. *future undertakings who says that! unless you are a gift card in Borders which accidentally went bankrupt and end up as one on Yahoo! Top 10 stories 2011. Rambling again*
She told me in order for me to advance in my future undertakings =_=" I need to pursue a masters degree. In short she was promoting UiTM to me. I mean doing my masters with UiTM sounds a very big deal for me. Honestly, I do want that. I want to be able to obtain my masters degree. She asked me point blank, "Do you want to further your studies?" Of course I say yes.
In that case, you need to
*I'll tell what the plan for my future undertakings in the next post. if not I'll have writers block. as if you are a legitimate writer*
Got the dresses and it was 7 dresses with multiple designs and colours. It was colourful and very princess like. Btw 7 dresses cost about RM 230 which is kinda a good bargain. the fabric was our, so we only have to pay for the labour fees.
I broke my fast eating the same menu I had the day before. Maybe it's because my mum was not well. So I didn't paster her to cook anything else. I had my meal and went to Johor to deliver the present. It's more likely a hit and run affair. It's just I don't feel like staying in Johor for a long time. You know sometimes you need your space. But I'm glad to meet Mr. AT and Mrs. TH. *btw they are my cousins*
~~Mr. AT n Mrs TH through my 4 eyes~~
Went back home and GOD I just realize that I have not renew my licensed which died 1st December and there were road block!! Keep calm, keep cool. If they ask you to pull over cry, invent a sad story, or just tell them you lost your licensed. WTF!!! Those reasons are gonna make you end up in JAIL!!
~~ cute huh ~~
So I drove like a freaking idot and the best part, the policeman just waved his hands and I'm off!!
I'm saved!!! Alhamdulillah!!
No need to lie, no need to invent stupid sad pathetic stories such as I went to KL and I left my license in the parliament after had a briefing by the parliament officials that the PERLEMBAGAAN BOLEH BERUBAH story. *Wanna play dirty BITCH?? Haha*
Arrived home and had a good night sleep~~ Alhamdulillah.. BTW gonna update on some of my favourite television programmes that I'm currently watching =)
Salam =)
1 comment:
hahahaha!!!!!bangang!!!!semuanya xberakhir lg!!!
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